Pedal and Burn more than 1000 calories in 1 session of 30 minutes!

Discover the CRYOFAST HOTBIKE technological innovation

Each session gives you:

  • Unparalleled calories loss in a minimum of time
  • Accelerated and painless weight loss
  • Immediate muscle strengthening
  • Visible results quickly
  • A “Hot & Cold” sequence for your well-being

Live the CRYOFAST HOTBIKE experience thanks to our FREE discovery session!

The CRYOFAST HOTBIKE exercise combines unique innovative technologies such as elongated pedaling associated with air vacuum suction, Infratherapy, Cryotherapy, Oxygen therapy, Ozone therapy, Aromatherapy as well as Red Collagen Light.

Finally an effective and innovative solution for well-being, weight loss and high-intensity physical exercise with muscle recovery.

Stimulate your five senses with each session!

VACUUM (Air Suction)

The air vacuum created allows the muscles to boost the effort in the depressurized capsule and dilate the blood vessels. Blood circulation is stimulated, so nutrients and oxygen reach the cells faster.
Pedaling stimulates body drainage and destroys the adipose tissue that causes orange peel skin. 


Thanks to the infrared lamps which heat the inside of the capsule up to 55°C, the heat leads to a significant burning of calories and promotes slimmin.
Combined with the air vacuum, the whole leads a vasodilation. This technology stimulates the lymph, detoxifies the body, and results in a strengthening of the immune system.
The long infrared rays, which are the most beneficial, act on the muscles and help the body to destock fat accumulations while eliminating cellulite.


The internal temperature of the capsule of up to -30°C during training, simultaneously promotes effort and muscle recovery.
Thanks to the thermal shock, the production of endorphins and dopamines generated during the session stimulate performance and provide an immediate feeling of well-being. This session will train and regulate melatonin, known for restful and deep sleep.


Oxygen is an energy booster that facilitates the use of sugars and fats by the muscles. Throughout the effort, oxygen requirements increase, breathing and heart rate accelerate.
Thanks to better oxygenation, the muscles work more efficiently and you will then see a better tolerance to effort.


Powerful oxidant, Ozone activates the immune system, increases the energy of red blood cells and promotes the elimination of waste accumulated on the epidermis.
Well known, ozone therapy helps detoxify the body, burn fat, facilitate weight loss and lead to cellular rejuvenation and firming of the skin’s surface.

Essential oils

Aromatherapy based on essential oil stimulates the body’s natural defenses thanks to the power of plants. Its fragrance has a beneficial effect on the mind and plays an important role in the prevention of stress-related pathologies.

Many benefits


The physical intensity of the exercise that benefits from CRYOFAST HOTBIKE technology will allow you to burn nearly 1000 calories in 30 minutes.
Your body will then draw the necessary energy from the fat mass to boost weight loss and refine the silhouette.
Combined with a balanced diet, the results are visible fast.

Muscle strenghtning

Lying down during the session under the pressurization of the Vaccum, all the gluteal muscles, thighs and calves as well as the abdominal belt will then be used for better toning.


Stimulate by physical effort, the cardiovascular system is strengthened and allows a better vascularization of the whole body as well as your respiratory capacities.
The production of endorphins and dopamines boosted during the session provide an immediate feeling of well-being.

Lymphatic drainage & stimulation of blood flow

Heat combined with vacuum aspiration produces vasodilation. This technological innovation stimulates the lymph, a detoxification of the body that strengthens the immune system.

More beautiful and firmer skin

The combination of intense heat and extreme cold in the capsule promotes both, pore dilatation, which leads to the elimination of toxic waste from the dermis and epidermis and then the shrinkage of the pores with a tightening effect on the skin.
The red collagen light, on the other hand, stimulates the natural production of collagen and repairs the elastin fibers. 

Process of a session



Discovery Session

1 session

5 sessions [valid for 3 months]

10 sessions [valid for 3 months]

20 sessions [valid for 6 months]

30 min






45 min







30 000 contractions

30 000 abdos | squats

En seulement 30 minutes sans efforts !

Venez découvrir BODYFAST RF by CRYOFAST

Après seulement 4 séances:  

  • Jusqu’à +25 % de renforcement de la masse musculaire
  • Jusqu’à -30 % d’élimination de la masse graisseuse
  • Jusqu’à -4 cm de réduction du tour de taille
  • Soin anti-cellulite par radio fréquence

Accessible à tous !

Nouvelle technologie haut de gamme de renforcement musculaire qui envoie des ondes électromagnétiques focalisées de haute intensité et de la radio fréquence.

En plus d’augmenter la masse musculaire sur le ventre, le fessier, les bras et les cuisses, BODYFAST RF by CRYOFAST permet également d’éliminer la graisse superficielle et de traiter la cellulite.


  • Renforcement musculaire
  • Réduction des graisses
  • Sculpt la silhouette et les abdominaux
  • Réhaussement des fesses
  • Améliore l’efficacité de la perte de poids
  • Préviens le viellissement
  • Maintenir la jeunesse physique


    • Maladie cardio-vasculaire
    • Hypertension artérielle
    • Problèmes de thyroïde
    • Tumeur ou cancer
    • Maladie rénale et de la vessie
    • Règles, la grossesse et l’allaitement
    • Epilepsy ou fatigue musculaire
    • Implants métalliques ou électroniques, (anneau contraceptif métallique, stimulateur cardiaque..)
    • Trouble thrombo-embolique constitué (phlébite)
    • Maladie cérébrovasculaire (AVC) ou lésion cérébrale
    • Intervention chirurgicale de moins de six mois

Nos tarifs

Séance de 30 minutes (abdominaux, fessiers, bras, cuisses)

1 zone

  • 1 séance = 150€
  • 4 séances = 500€

2 séances supplémentaires* = 200€
*Uniquement dans le 30 jours suivant l’achat d’une cure de 4 séances

2 zones (simultanées)

  • 1 séance = 250€
  • 4 séances = 900€

2 séances 2 zones supplémentaires* = 300€
*Uniquement dans le 30 jours suivant l’achat d’une cure de 4 séances